Venkataram Sivaram


As a second-year undergraduate student majoring in Computer Science at UC San Diego (UCSD), I am delighted to be part of the UCSD Center for Visual Computing as an undergraduate research assistant. Working under the mentorship of Professors Ravi Ramamoorthi and Tzu-Mao Li has been an incredible opportunity for me to expand my knowledge and skills in the field.

Research interests: Differentiable Rendering Real-time Rendering Computational Physics Reinforcement Learning Deep Learning


Neural Geometry Fields for Meshes
Venkataram Sivaram, Ravi Ramamoorthi, and Tzu-Mao Li
SIGGRAPH North America 2024 (Conference Track)

Parameter-space ReSTIR for Differentiable and Inverse Rendering
Wesley Chang, Venkataram Sivaram, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Toshiya Hachisuka, Ravi Ramamoorthi, and Tzu-Mao Li
SIGGRAPH North America 2023 (Conference Track)


A 3D rendering engine written in C++ using the Vulkan API. It is designed with research development in mind, so that more time can be spent towards experimentation rather than implementation.
A light, ergonomic, non-intrusive, single-header wrapper for jump starting visualization applications using Vulkan. Relies on C++20 for modern metaprogramming functionality.
A modern C++ machine learning and numerical analysis library with an emphasis on intuitive usage. Older version also provides a scripting language to easily interface with core functionality.